As you may or may not have heard, the Grand Lodge of Ohio has over the summer transitioned from the MORI membership system to the new Grand View system. As a part of this change members now have an easy system they can access to update their contact information, see their Masonic record, and a number of other pieces of information. The officers of Paragon are excited for the coming additions and features that the new Grand View system will be offering to our lodge and our members. We hope that all of our members will take the time to setup their Grand View Member Portal and watch as this new and useful tool grows for us all.
To assist our Brothers, and other Brothers from throughout Ohio, here are the steps to get setup in Grand View.
- Access the Ohio Grand View platform at
- On the upper right corner of the page, click on Member Portal
- To create/register your account on the Member Portal page select “Member Registration”
- Fill in the information on the registration page: DO NOT enter the “M” or leading zeroes in the Lodge number or your membership number. Example: Paragon Lodge is 0788 according the Grand Lodge, but you would only enter “788”. Same with your membership number, if it is M01234 you would only enter “1234”. Be sure to enter your last name as it appears on your dues card.
- Click on Membership Status button
- A second page will be displayed. Enter your email address and a minimum 8-character password. (Remember your password, as only you know it).
- Click on Submit Your Information. (You are now registered and can update your personal information, see posts, events, meetings, minutes, etc…)
If you have any questions feel free to contact the secretary, WB Jay Stewart.